Nikki Unbossed

Nikki Unbossed

Nikki Unbossed

Nikki Unbossed is an accomplished business strategist with over 20 years' experience in sales, services, marketing, partnership management, and Go-To-Market. She has spent a career managing, coaching, and helping businesses create and seize opportunities that have consistently resulted in achievements beyond portfolio revenue goals.

Her keen business savvy and strategic business execution has made her an expert in fostering great partnerships, packaging opportunities, and helping her clients build and execute a roadmap towards success. She excels in helping to bring new ideas, extraordinary expertise, and skills to market. Her reach includes various industries, sized businesses, entrepreneurs, and entertainment personalities.

Nikki says: “Step and Be Seen. Be Heard. Claim Occupancy!” It’s about Brand Me! Your Voice. Your Outcome. Your OPPORTUNITY! Her mantra, “Live with Intention, Act Deliberately, Lead on Purpose”. A challenge, she poses to herself daily as she actively creates and executes her own blueprint to success.

She established Unbossed, High Heel Media LLC to leverage her skills and experience to coach, advise, and help others navigate their unique greatness. Creating their own lane, she helps others choose themselves instead of waiting to be chosen. As she says, “Create a space where your options are only limited by your own desire and interest to pursue them”!

Above all, what defines her most, is that she’s a wife and mother. To know her is to know how she loves her family. She brings the same commitment, determination, and beliefs that she holds dear for her family to those she touches and is completely unwavering. She’ll never let you fall and work tirelessly to help you win. In your way in their game! She’s the bottomline!
  Heels up!

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