Mileydy Artiles

Mileydy Artiles

Mileydy Artiles

Mileydy Artiles is a Cinematographer and teacher based in Miami. She has worked on documentaries like “Islam in Latin America” (2011) recipient of the Carnegie Foundation for the Investigation of Social Sciences aired on PBS, “Decolonize Justice” (2019) commissioned by Latino Justice, “Call Me Lucky” (2015) selected by Sundance Institute for the story in development in Miami, and most recently “Monarcas” (2023), “El Soldador” (2023), commissioned by Oolite premiered at Miami International Film Festival, LALIFF, Film Independent, Trinidad and Tobago and much others. She has also collaborated with independent newspapers like Prism Reports. Fictions like “Crisalidas”, “LA”, “Ellas”, and “Ten Dollars” (2015-19) are also under her camera work, films she also edited. “Interview with Marilyn” (2014), was awarded Best Cinematography at the Independent Short Awards in LA. Most recently is present “The Doll from the Box” (2022). Commercially she has done the cinematography for music videos, promos and advertising campaigns for local clients and institutions like CitiBank, ROX 950 among others. Currently she is working on her directorial debut long feature “Monte de Venus” and a multimedia video installation about womanhood and water. 

  • Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Adventure  
0:00/ 0:00
Slow Fast
  • 0.5
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  • 0.8
  • 0.9
  • 1
  • 1.1
  • 1.2
  • 1.3
  • 1.4
  • 1.5