Isabela Bacigalupo

Isabela Bacigalupo

Isabela Bacigalupo

Bacigalupo has been part of Miami's artistic community for fifteen years. Her short film "Baggage," which she directed, produced, and wrote, gained recognition at several film festivals, including the Los Angeles Women's International Film Festival and the Golden State Film Festival, and aired on PBS’ show Filmmaker. Bacigalupo's web series "The Doll from the Box," which she also directed and wrote, has won multiple awards, including Best TV Series at the Tokyo International Short Film Festival 2023 and Best South Florida Web Series at the Miami Web Fest 2024. Additionally, she is an accomplished writer with published short stories and a self-published science fiction adventure, "Density." She also writes and produces a podcast called "Almost Forty. She is currently on post-production of her latest short film “May Death Connect Us Apart” she continues to be active in independent films, and TV commercials.

  • Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Adventure  
  • Drama, Family, Romance  
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Slow Fast
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