TAG - The Series
Sci-Fi, Drama, Thriller
In a bleak, dystopian world where the I.T. Corporation controls every aspect of life, citizens are forced into strict routines and stripped of individuality. The regime’s advanced surveillance system, known as “Tagging,” monitors all movements, leaving little room for rebellion. Amid the oppression, a disillusioned outsider stumbles upon a mysterious call offering a chance to break free. As they unravel the truth behind the system, they are thrust into a dangerous game of survival, with the power to ignite a revolution—or face total annihilation.
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TAG - Season 1
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In a bleak, dystopian world where the I.T. Corporation controls every aspect of life, citizens are forced into strict routines and stripped of individuality. The regime?s advanced surveillance system, known as ?Tagging,? monitors all movements, leaving little room for rebellion. Amid the oppression, a disillusioned outsider stumbles upon a mysterious call offering a chance to break free. As they unravel the truth behind the system, they are thrust into a dangerous game of survival, with the power to ignite a revolution?or face total annihilation.