Jillian Chesley

Jillian Chesley

Jillian Chesley

Jillian Chesley is a multifaceted individual whose life is a blend of teaching software, providing psychotherapy, and a lifelong love for dance that began in her childhood. Growing up alongside her sister, she discovered her passion for dance, which blossomed in Los Angeles during the mid-nineties with hip hop and jazz classes. Her journey led her to Costa Rica, where she fell in love with Latin dance, and eventually embraced Zumba in 2010 with infectious energy both as a teacher and participant. Recognizing the link between mental health and community, Jillian has become an integral part of Santa Cruz's dance and live music scene. With a natural leadership flair, she enthusiastically engages in choreography, teaching, and performing in flash mobs, finding joy in the creative process and connecting with others through dance. Dance isn't just a hobby for Jillian; it's a passionate pursuit that adds vibrancy to her professional journey and enriches her connection with the world.

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